Friday, 7 September 2012

What Day Is It?


I show my indifference to the weekdays weekly by spurts of selective amnesia scoffing at their pretentious notion of individuality I’ve never met a group more alike in their passion to fuck me over than the weekdays I spent my time cowering from their company praying for Friday the least stuck up fucker of the lot once Friday comes I know I’ll be able to get monetary respite in the bosom of my slacker buddies weekends.

That respite of adult fun and mayhem is looking less viable there is something inherently wrong with being sick on the weekends  that's what the weekdays are there for…I’m actually sick and not the fake 9 o’clock sick you know until the school bell rings, but the kind were you have to spend the entire time practically on the deathbed as opposed to being comatose in front of the telly filling on things guaranteed to make you sick…I was never of the Ferris Bueller ilk but more of the vegetable variety snacking on crap watching soap operas talk shows cartoons and black and white movies.

What day is it?…its lets fuck you some more day because that's never getting old weekend shenanigans postponed by the fucking rain parade that is the universe.

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